Macroenzymes are high molecular weight structures formed by the binding of a normal enzyme molecule to another high molecular weight component of blood plasma - such as e.g. proteins, or resulting from the polymerization of a larger number of molecules of a given enzyme. Macro-AST is usually produced by binding of the enzyme to immunoglobulin G, but may also be produced by binding to immunoglobulin A or immunoglobulin M. In our review, we present current knowledge about macro-AST, its nature, incidence, diagnosis and clinical significance. We also present an overview of macro-AST case reports published in the literature in the last ten years.
Key words: macroenzymes, aspartate aminotransferase, AST, macro-AST.
Lek Obz, 2022, 71 (1): 27-32
Ladislav TURECKÝ 1, Viera KUPČOVÁ 2, Monika ĎURFINOVÁ 1, Eva UHLÍKOVÁ 1
- Ústav lekárskej chémie, biochémie a klinickej biochémie LF UK v Bratislave, prednosta prof. MUDr. L. Turecký, CSc.
- III. interná klinika LF UK a FN v Bratislave, prednosta doc. MUDr. V. Mojto, CSc., MPH
TURECKÝ L., KUPČOVÁ V., ĎURFINOVÁ M., UHLÍKOVÁ E.: Macro-aspartate aminotransferase – a review. Lek Obz, 2022, 71 (1): 27-32