Thyroid eye disease is chronic, progressive, bilateral (mostly asymmetrical) condition that affects extrabulbar orbital structures.

Most commonly is associated with autoimmune Graves  Basedow disease (hyperthyroidism), although patients may be also hypothyroid or euthyroid. Pathophysiology of disease is multifactorial and clinical manifestation can vary from mild to severe sight-threatening forms. Classification of activity and severity of the disease is very important for choosing adequate therapeutic scheme. Intravenous corticosteroids are preferred over oral administration. In the case report, we describe the long-term management of a patient with sight-threatening thyroid eye disease, with secondary open-angle glaucoma and complicated cataract (Tab. 2, Ref. 27). Text v PDF www.lekarskyobzor.sk.

KEY WORDS: thyroid eye disease, hyperthyroidism, exophthalmos, corticosteroids, secondary open-angle glaucoma, complicated cataract

Lek Obz 2023, 72 (4): 182-186

TAKÁČOVÁ A., MAJTÁNOVÁ N., KOLÁŘ P.: Long-term management of very severe thyroid eye disease. Lek Obz 2023, 72 (4): 182-186

Adriana TAKÁČOVÁ 1, Nora MAJTÁNOVÁ 1,2, Petr KOLÁŘ 1,2

1 Očná klinika SZU a UN v Bratislave, prednosta prof. MUDr. P. Kolář, PhD.
2 Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita, Bratislava, rektor Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. P. Šimko, CSc.