Arterial hypertension is the most common cardiovascular disease. It is proven to be associated with a higher cardiovascular risk, and even despite advances in prevention, diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertension, its prevalence is rising and an unsatisfactory control of the blood pressure in the population is persisting. The reduction of the blood pressure is beneficial not only in case of severe and moderate hypertension, but also mild hypertension. The question of the optimal timing of the treatment initiation in case of patients with high normal blood pressure or first grade hypertension is still a subject of discussions. The assessment of the global cardiovascular risk shows to be very important, and it is necessary to consider the presence of hypertension mediated organ damage in order to obtain a correct stratification. Hypertension mediated organ damage is associated with a higher cardiovascular risk in hypertensives, and not all its features are present in the common scoring systems. Taking it into consideration may have an impact for the reclassification of the cardiovascular risk of patients and it enables a more personalized approach in the management of the treatment.
Key words: arterial hypertension, cardiovascular risk, high normal blood pressure, hypertension mediated organ damage.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (5):166-172
I. interná klinika LF UK a UNB, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Slovensko, prednostka doc. MUDr. S. Kiňová, PhD.
VLČKOVÁ K., ČELOVSKÁ D.: Hypertension mediated organ damage – a compass in the reclassification of the cardiovascular risk of the hypertensive patients and in the treatment effectiveness assessment. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (5):166-172