Viliam MOJTO: Actual diabetic scientific problems
Original article
Viliam MOJTO, Zuzana RAUSOVÁ, Ladislav DEDÍK: The use of mathematical model in assessing the effect of C-peptide stimulation on utilization of glucose by glucagon
Jarmila KUCHARSKÁ, Anna GVOZDJÁKOVÁ, Viliam MOJTO: Increased ratio of α-tocopherol/γ-tocopherol – potential risk indicator of diabetic complications?
Oľga VANČOVÁ, Oľga ULIČNÁ, Jarmila KUCHARSKÁ, Zdeňka ĎURAČKOVÁ, Jana MUCHOVÁ: The effect of fish and nut oils on mitochondrial bioenergetics and lipid levels in experimental diabetes
Anna GVOZDJÁKOVÁ, Jarmila KUCHARSKÁ, Viliam MOJTO: Mitochondrial diabetology
Viliam MOJTO, Miloš ŠTEVOVE, Martina KOLCUNOVÁ: Treatment of diabetic dyslipidemia
Mária SZÁNTOVÁ, Zuzana ĎURKOVIČOVÁ, Michaela FEDELEŠOVÁ: Inflammasomes in pathogenesis and treatment of diabetes mellitus and chronic liver diseases