The importance of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with diabetes mellitus


Arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus are the most common diseases that simultaneously potentiate in the acceleration of atherothrombosis and create a predisposition for the various cardiovascular complications. Not surprisingly, most diabetics with arterial hypertension die because of cardiovascular disease, some authors calling this combination of diseases a „deadly duo.“ Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring represent regular measurements of blood pressure during 24-hours.

The measured parameters can be used to diagnose arterial hypertension, which is noticeably often comorbid in patients with diabetes mellitus due to common elements in the etiopathogenesis of both diseases. With this method, we also obtain a diurnal blood pressure profile with the possibility of assessing the dynamics of its changes during the day and night. A significantly higher proportion of non-dippers and reverse dippers in the group of hypertensive patients with diabetes mellitus is confirmed. The diurnal blood pressure profile in diabetics has been shown to correspond to a higher cardiovascular risk in this group of patients, with high cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The use of this method of measuring blood pressure in diabetics is therefore an indisputable part of the diagnostic algorithm in clinical practice (Tab. 2, Fig. 1, Ref. 29). Text v PDF

KEY WORDS: arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, diurnal profile.

Lek Obz 2022; 71 (5): 186-190

Zuzana ANDRÉ 1, Katarína VLČKOVÁ 2, Ľudovít GAŠPAR 2,3, Denisa ČELOVSKÁ 2

1 II. neurologická klinika LF UK a UNB, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, prednosta prof. P. Valkovič, PhD.
2 I. interná klinika LF UK a UNB, Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, prednostka doc. MUDr. S. Kiňová, PhD.
3 Fakulta zdravotníckych vied Univerzity sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, prof. MUDr. Ľ. Gašpar, CSc.

ANDRÉ Z., VLČKOVÁ K., GAŠPAR Ľ., ELOVSKÁ D.: The importance of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with diabetes mellitus. Lek Obz 2022; 71 (5): 186-190