Introduction: This paper is based on the results of special research focused on mapping and gaining a deeper understanding of how, in the current period of post-COVID syndrome analysis and diverse life-long health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, involuntarily infertile couples diagnosed with various lifetime health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and post-COVID-19 syndrome, which have significantly decreased their chances of having a baby, perceive their situation and their relationship towards pre-implantation genetic diagnostics.

Methods: The survey was conducted during the period from January 2021 to July 2021 in various foreign countries. The respondents were couples that were suffering from involuntarily infertility and that were shown to have various health consequences due to the COVID-19 pandemic, including post-COVID syndrome. Due to the focus of the survey, which showed the personal and subjective views of respondents, a qualitative approach was chosen using in-depth online interviews. Prior to conducting the in-depth online interviews themselves, focus group discussions were conducted with the respondents.
Results: The results of this survey revealed several key areas that have to be taken into account when providing effective help and support to involuntarily infertile couples, be it on a medical or social level. Respondents also found it very difficult to come to grips with the deterioration in their medical, mental and cognitive conditions caused by overcoming the COVID-19 virus. Participating in training that was specially designed for them during the survey period has led to improvements, which are still being researched and monitored.
Conclusion: Similar studies serve as a basis for the realization of further surveys focusing on mitigation of post-COVID 19 syndrome effects in involuntarily infertile couples, individuals and groups influenced by difficult situations and social pathologies as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, this includes individuals, groups and communities of various age categories suffering especially from different neurological, cognitive and mental issues which have significantly decreased the quality of their lives after recovering from COVID-19. These studies can also contribute to the creation of various support strategies in other scientific areas which have also been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on support for physical and mental health, as well as the strengthening of relationships with the intention of removing or preventing social and pathological phenomena as much as possible.
Keywords: infertility, pre-implantation genetic diagnostics, COVID-19 consequences, post-COVID-19 syndrome.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70(12): 444-449

Jan MASAN 1,2,3, Mariana HAMAROVA 3

1 University of Thessaly, Greece
2 Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia
3 St. John Paul II School of Missiology, SEUC, Bratislava, Slovakia

MASAN J., HAMAROVA M.: Involuntarily infertile married couples with certain post-COVID 19 syndrome manifestations and their attitude towards pre-implantation genetic diagnostics. Lek Obz, 2021, 70(12): 444-449

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