Introduction: Physical activity is a factor that positively affects health and contributes prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases.
Objective: The aim of our survey was to determine whether there are relationships among physical activity and physical or mental fitness, feeling healthy, evaluating life or being able to influence life expectancy.
Methodology and characteristics of the population: The whole population consisted of 1 999 working age respondents, of which 49.7 % were male and 50.3 % female. The Epi Data 3.1 software program was used for statistical processing of questionnaires, in which a database was created to enter detected data. The results were then processed using the SPPS 14 for Windows, statistical program, based on mathematical and statistical methods. A chí-quadrant test was also used when comparing the frequency of individual variables in the frequency tables if the p-value is lower than the selected significance level (the significance level is 5 %, i.e. p < 0.05).
Results: In the survey, we showed a statistically significant relationship between physical activity and physical fitness or mental fitness, as well as between physical activity and feeling healthy, evaluating life and influencing life expectancy.
Conclusion: In conclusion, respondents who play sports rate their life, health, physical or mental condition more positively and also think more often that they can influence their life expectancy.
Key words: physical activity, physical condition, mental fitness, life expectancy.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (7 – 8): 280 – 285
Róbert OCHABA 1, Beáta ORLICKÁ 3, Margaréta KAČMÁRIKOVÁ 1, Ladislava WSÓLOVÁ 2
1 Katedra verejného zdravotníctva, Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, Trnavská univerzita, vedúca doc. Ing. M. Kačmáriková, PhD., MPH
2 Fakulta verejného zdravotníctva, Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita Bratislava, dekanka MVDr. D. Zeljenková, PhD.
3 Úrad verejného zdravotníctva SR, riaditeľ PhDr. RNDr. MUDr. J. Mikas, PhD., MPH
OCHABA R., ORLICKÁ B., KAČMÁRIKOVÁ M., WSÓLOVÁ L.: Health awareness and behavior in relation to physical activity. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (7 – 8): 280 – 285