Human dirofilariosis is considered to be an emerging parasitozoonosis in the territory of Central Europe with globalisation and climate change playing a key role in its spreading.
The first human case of autochthonous dirofilariosis in Slovakia was diagnosed in 2007. Since then, 23 cases (subcutaneous, ocular and also pulmonary) have been unambiguously confirmed; in all Dirofilaria repens was validated as a causative agent. In this paper issue of human dirofilariosis is summarised with an emphasis on its epidemiology and clinical picture, and selected cases are described.
Key words: human dirofilariosis, Dirofilaria repens, parasitic infection, zoonosis.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (7-8): 286 – 291
Martina MITERPÁKOVÁ 1, Daniela ANTOLOVÁ 1, František ONDRISKA 2,3, Vojtech BOLDIŠ 2
1 Parazitologický ústav Slovenskej akadémie vied, Košice, vedúca pracoviska RNDr. I. Hromadová, DrSc.
2 Úsek parazitológie, Medirex, a. s., Bratislava, vedúci pracoviska RNDr. V. Boldiš, PhD.
3 Katedra laboratórnych vyšetrovacích metód v zdravotníctve Fakulty zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, Trnavská univerzita, Trnava, vedúca katedry doc. RNDr. M. Horváthová, PhD.
MITERPÁKOVÁ M., ANTOLOVÁ D.,ONDRISKA F., BOLDIŠ V.: Filarial infections in human medicine and public health. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (7-8): 286 – 291