Experience from practise
Zuzana FEČKOVÁ, Katarína FEDOROVÁ, Natália ŠTECOVÁ: Quality of life in patients with multiple myeloma: patient’s perspective
Original papers
Branislav JAĎUĎ, Martin SMATANA, Ľubica HLINKOVÁ, Jana IVANOVÁ, Róbert RUSNÁK, Róbert BABEĽA: Lost productivity costs associated with premature death in working age patients due to multiple myeloma in Slovakia: results from national study in 2018
Zuzana BALÁŽOVÁ, Branislav JAĎUĎ, Ľubica HLINKOVÁ, Jana IVANOVÁ, Róbert RUSNÁK, Róbert MAMRILLA, Róbert BABEĽA: Multiple myeloma costs in Slovak Republic: analysis of the total costs for model patient in productive age
Katarína FEDOROVÁ, Zuzana BALÁŽOVÁ, Branislav JAĎUĎ, Jana IVANOVÁ, Róbert MAMRILLA, Róbert RUSNÁK: Social security area of patients with multiple myeloma in connection with indirect costs in Slovakia
Róbert OCHABA, Andrea MADARÁSOVÁ GECKOVÁ: Social determinants of health in School Aged Children – Key Results of International Survey
Oľga JANÍČKOVÁ, Juraj GAŠPAROVIČ, Ľubica Sedílková, Alica Stračinová: Detection of hepatitis C in pediatric patients
Petronela ŠEBESTOVÁ: Quality standards diagnostic and therapeutic methods in paliative care apply to each of us
Ljuba BACHÁROVÁ, Beata MLADOSIEVIČOVÁ, Helena BERNADIČOVÁ, Marián BERNADIČ: Working with scientific and profesional information as a necessary part of higher education. International science schools – complementary activity of education
of medical students and young scientists
New book
Marián BERNADIČ: Introduction to the data processing and presentation in medicine. (K. Kozlíková a M. Trnka, Košice: Equilibria, 2018)
Autodidactic test 9/2019