From non-infectious to infectious disease: tumor of ascending colon as a cause of infectious aortitis?

Infectious aortitis is a rare, life-threatening disease, characterized by inflammation of the aortic wall, that can lead to the development of pseudoaneurysm or aortic aneurysm which is followed by an increased risk of aortic rupture and high mortality. We refer a case of a 79-year-old patient with a history of sideropenic anemia, that presented to the hospital with back pain and fever. A computed tomography scan revealed a suspicious aortitis of aortic arch and proximal segment of descending aorta, another finding was an extensive tumorous mass in ascending colon, that was verified in colonoscopy, too. During hospitalization, the clinical condition progressed with the development of pseudoaneurysm, the diagnosis of mycotic pseudoaneurysm at the ground of infectious aortitis was stated. After consultation with an interventional angiologist and cardiac surgeon, no endovascular nor surgical intervention was indicated, patient was treated conservatively with a combination of antibiotics and antimycotics, the hemocultures did not reveal the causing pathogen. Despite the comprehensive treatment patient passed away at the hospitalization day 19. Numerous case reports were published, referring to cases of patients with concomitant aortitis and colon tumors, where Clostridium septicum infection was confirmed. Thereby we suppose the tumor of colon ascendens could be the source of infection in the case of our patient (Fig. 4, Ref. 11). Text in PDF
KEY WORDS: infectious aortitis, mycotic aneurysm, Clostridium septicum associated aortitis.

Lek Obz 2023, 72 (6): 284-287


VLČKOVÁ K., KEČKEŠ Š., MESÁROŠOVÁ D. a kol.: Od neinfekčného ochorenia k infekčnému: Tumor colon ascendens ako príčina infekčnej aortitídy? Lek Obz 2023, 72 (6): 284-287


VLČKOVÁ K., KEČKEŠ Š., MESÁROŠOVÁ D. et al.: From non-infectious to infectious disease: tumor of ascending colon as a cause of infectious aortitis? Lek Obz 2023, 72 (6): 284-287

Katarína VLČKOVÁ 1, Štefan KEČKEŠ 2, Dáša MESÁROŠOVÁ 1, Tomáš PADÚCH 3, Denisa ČELOVSKÁ 1

1 Ist Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University Bratislava and University Hospital Bratislava, Bratislava, head doc. MUDr. S. Kiňová, PhD.
2 Department of Hematology and Transfusiology, Saint Elisabeth Cancer Institute Bratislava, head MUDr. Z. Šimoníková
3 IVth Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine of Comenius University Bratislava and University Hospital Bratislava, Bratislava, head doc. MUDr. M. Vicián, CSc.