Biliary stenosis can present a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment when distinguishing between benign and malignant stenosis.

We present the case of a 78-year-old man with suspicion of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma based on imaging examinations, who was indicated for curative surgical treatment. Perioperatively, a surprising operative finding of numerous intrahepatic calculi was observed. Definitive cytological examination ruled out cholangiocarcinoma. This case report, along with the ongoing highly reported false positivity of histological findings in surgical specimens, highlights the need to improve the specificity of preoperative evaluations of biliary stenosis (Fig. 9, Ref. 15). Text in PDF www.lekarsky.herba.sk.
KEY WORDS: biliary stenosis, perihilar cholangiocarcinoma, hepatolithiasis, diagnosis, treatment.
Lek Obz 2024, 73 (7): 261-266

Adriana GREGUŠOVÁ 1, Michal GERGEL 2, Alexander MAYER 2, Petra KLEPANCOVÁ 3, Miroslav ŽIGRAI 1

1 I. interná klinika SZU, NsP akad. L. Dérera, Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava, prednosta doc. MUDr. M. Žigrai, PhD.
2 Chirurgická klinika SZU, NsP akad. L. Dérera, Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava, prednosta MUDr. I. Brychta, PhD. 
3 I. rádiologická klinika LF UK a SZU, Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava, prednosta MUDr. V. Javorka, PhD.