Majority of patients with prostate cancer dies from cancer itself. However, mortality of prostate cancer patients is suprisingly high also from cardiovascular diseases. Between these two leading causes of death in the aging male population is a certain degree of competition. While LHRH agonists have been mainstream in therapy advanced prostate cancer for many years, newer therapy with LHRH antagonist changed the way of thinking about cardiovascular risk in these patients. There are still contradictory views concerning the link between testosterone suppressive therapy and cardiovascular adverse effects. Possibilities for minimizing of cardiovascular risks induced by androgen deprivation therapy are constantly evolving.
Key words: androgen deprivation therapy, GnRH, LHRH agonists, LHRH antagonists, prostate cancer, cardiotoxicity.
Lek Obz, 2020, 69 (9): 314-318
1 Oddelenie klinickej patofyziológie, LF UK, Bratislava, vedúca oddelenia prof. MUDr. B. Mladosievičová, PhD.
Beata MLADOSIEVIČOVÁ, Juraj FILLO, Zuzana VALÁŠKOVÁ: Consequences of LHRH Antagonists and Agonists on the Cardiovascular System in Patients with Prostate Cancer. Lek Obz, 2020, 69 (9): 314-318