Based on principles of methodology, interpretation of test results and laboratory costs of COVID 19 it is possible to recognize laboratory tests providing diagnostic certainty (rRT-PCR), decreasing diagnostic uncertainty (serology), quick tests (POCT) suitable for special situations or limited extent and complementary tests (routine chemistry, hematology, immunology) used in differential diagnosis and monitoring. The context of laboratory diagnostics is based on cooperation of the clinical laboratory with the management of given institution, infectology, intensive care, pneumology, internal medicine and pediatrics. Coordination at the national level is the prerequisite.
Key words: algorhitms, COVID-19, clinical protocol, laboratory diagnostics, POCT, rRT PCR, serology, SDP/SOP.
Lek Obz, 70, 2021(1), 11-15
Gustáv KOVÁČ 1, Anna PORUBENOVÁ 1, Ivan MALÍK 1, Stanislav ORAVEC 1, Štefan KEČKÉŠ 2, Alena KRISTOVÁ 1, Michal FARKAŠ 1, Pavel BLAŽÍČEK 1, Vladimír HERIBAN 1, Jozef ŠUVADA 1
1 Ústav chémie, klinickej biochémie a laboratórnej medicíny LF SZU Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. RNDr. G. Kováč, CSc., MBA
2 Vysoká škola zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce Sv. Alžbety, Bratislava
KOVÁČ G., PORUBENOVÁ A., MALÍK I., ORAVECS., KEČKÉŠ Š., KRISTOVÁ A., FARKAŠ M., BLAŽÍČEK P., HERIBAN V., ŠUVADA J.: Laboratory diagnostics of Covid-19 - notice Lek Obz, 70, 2021(1), 11-15