Andrej DUKÁT, Ján KYSELOVIČ, Juraj PAYER, Marián BERNADIČ, Fedor ŠIMKO: Growth differentiation factor 15 – biomarker helpful in the diagnosis, treatment and risk evaluation in the clinical cardiology and medical practice
Martin HANKO, Alžbeta MAJTANOVÁ, Pavol SNOPKO, René OPŠENÁK, Gabriela MIČUROVÁ, Branislav KOLAROVSZKI: Infections of external ventricular drainage and risks of their development
Katarína VALOVIČOVÁ, Pavel ŠIARNIK, Stanislava KLOBUCKÁ, Zoltán GOLDENBERG, Eva MACHALOVÁ, Igor RIEČANSKÝ, Eva VASKÁ, Eva KMETYOVÁ, Helena FARSKÁ, Marek SÝKORA, Peter TURČÁNI, Branislav KOLLÁR: Project protocol title „the influence of different types of non-pharmacological intervention on the recovery of motor functions in patients after stroke“
Katarína GAZDÍKOVÁ, Martina SLOVÁČIKOVÁ: Acute kidney injury associated with COVID-19 infection
Juraj DEGLOVIČ, Marek ŠUPLER, Simona DIANIŠKOVÁ, Neda MARKOVSKÁ: Osteonecrosis of the jaws
Ivica GULÁŠOVÁ, Jozef BABEČKA: Quality of life of seniors with urinary incontinence
Ivan BARTOŠOVIČ, Ivana IVÁNKOVÁ BARTOŠOVIČOVÁ, Katarína ZRUBÁKOVÁ, Róbert OCHABA: Faecal incontinence in the elderly
Juraj DEGLOVIČ, Marek ŠUPLER, Simona DIANIŠKOVÁ, Neda MARKOVSKÁ: Antibiotic prophylaxis in dentistry
Adam ŠVEC, Adam KRKOŠKA, Peter MIKOLAJČÍK, Juraj MIKLUŠICA: Peranal haemorrhage from the pseudoaneurysm of inferior gluteal artery: a rare complication after low anterior resection
Nora MAJTÁNOVÁ, Lucia HERDOVÁ, Adriana TAKÁČOVÁ, Petr KOLÁŘ: Bilateral papilledema in neuroborreliosis – case report
Jozef VOJTAŠŠÁK, Jr., Jozef VOJTAŠŠÁK, Elena PODSKOČOVÁ, Veronika VOJTAŠŠÁKOVÁ: Clinical orthopedic synovialogram: a new extended classification