Lek Obz 2022(4) - contents

Original paper
František SÁNDOR, Milan KRIŠKA, Juraj PAYER, Marián BERNADIČ, Andrej DUKÁT: Drug-induced respiratory system toxicity     

Viktor KONOPLITSKYI, Vasyl POGORILIY, Oleksandr FOMIN, Viktor VIDIŠČÁK, Oleh LUKIYANETS, Anatolii SASIUK, Augustín PROCHOTSKÝ, Evelína Kovácsová: Importance of determination of serum cholinesterase level in the diagnostics of intestinal motility disorders in children         
Irina ŠEBOVÁ, Martin ČVERHA, Mária HOMOLOVÁ, Ivana VYRVOVÁ, František CHOVANEC, Jaroslav BIBZA: Foreign bodies in the esophagus in children       

Martina DUBINOVÁ, Marek STRAKA, Ján PREDNÝ, Eva STRUHÁRŇANSKÁ, Martina PEČIMONOVÁ, Andrea VEREŠPEJOVÁ, Patrícia Denisa LENÁRTOVÁ, Stanislav STUCHLÍK, Adriána LIPTÁKOVÁ, Pavol KRISTIAN: Quantitative determination of pregenomic RNA as a new biomarker of viral hepatitis B in patients‘ plasma         
Ivan BARTOŠOVIČ, Ivana IVÁNKOVÁ BARTOŠOVIČOVÁ: Some aspects of general practitioner care for the elderly         
Nasir JALILI, Jakub GÉCZ: Malaria – advances in the development of vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum malaria       

Ladislav KOČAN, Rudolf SUDZINA, Róbert RAPČAN, Hana KOČANOVÁ, Dušan RYBÁR, Miroslav BURIÁNEK: Thermoablation in treatment of lumbar facet joint syndrome

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