The effect of Ademol on the dynamics of S100 proteins in rats with traumatic brain injury
Background: Currently, the problem of choosing an effective drug approach for cerebral protection in case of traumatic brain injury (TBI) remains poorly understood. The synthesis and development of new active molecules to treat brain disorders rely on an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiological mechanisms of brain disorders and the role of excessive activation of NMDA receptors. Clinical studies of cerebral protectors, specifically NMDA-receptor antagonists, show promising results for their use in treating TBIs.
Materials and methods: A TBI rat model was used to investigate the effect of Ademol (2 mg/kg) given intravenously (IV) every 12 hours for eight days following the TBI. The control group and pseudo-operated animals received 0.9 % NaCl (2 mg/kg, IV). The comparison group received amantadine sulfate (5 mg/kg, IV). The efficiency and activity of these therapies were evaluated by measuring the protein S100 levels in each group.
Results: Protein S100 levels in the groups with a TBI and treated with Ademol or amantadine sulfate were decreased by 50.8 and 39.9 %, respectively. Treatment of rats with severe TBI with Ademol was probably better than treatment of rats in the control group with saline and amantadine sulfate and better helped to reduce the growth of protein S 100 level, while Ademol exceeded the reference drug at 18.2 % (p < 0.05).
Conclusion: Treatment of rats with severe traumatic brain injury with Ademol at a dose of 2 mg/kg (i/v) was probably better than treatment of rats in the control group with saline and amantadine sulfate (Tab. 1, Ref. 14). Text in PDF
KEY WORDS: 0.9 % NaCl, Ademol, amantadine sulfate, protein S 100, traumatic brain injury.
Lek Obz 2023, 72 (4): 164-166
SEMENENKO s., SEMENENKO A., DOBROVANOV O. a kol.: Účinok Ademolu na dynamiku proteínov S100 u potkanov s traumatickým poranením mozgu. Lek Obz 2023, 72 (4): 164-166
SEMENENKO s., SEMENENKO A., DOBROVANOV O. et al.: The effect of Ademol on the dynamics of S100 proteins in rats with traumatic brain injury. Lek Obz 2023, 72 (4): 164-166
Sviatoslav Semenenko 1, Andrii Semenenko 1, Oleksandr Dobrovanov 2,3, Andrii Saienko 1, Natalia Semenenko 1, Dmytro Dmytriiev 1, Nina Konovalova 1
1 National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukrajina, head acad. prof. V.M. Moroz, PhD., Sc.D.
2 A. Getlik Clinic for Children and Adolescents of Slovak Medical University and University Hospital of Medicine, Bratislava, head assoc. prof. MUDr. K. Furkova, CSc.
3 Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, rector Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. P. Šimko, PhD., MPH