Aging males need regular personalized medical examination. It is important to begin examining males over 40, and if they have any problems, early resolve them, and thus avoid serious illness or death.
This can be real preventive program. Obesity which is widespread in western world, causes lot of health problems, worse quality of life and shortened life span. In a cross-sectional descriptive study, a total of 216 males underwent a complete urological, internal, and hormonal evaluation. Males were divided according to waist circumference into five groups which appears to be especially useful. Incidence of erectile dysfunction (ED), testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS), and metabolic syndrome (MetS) grow with waist circumference. A strong correlation between testosterone (TST) level and abdominal obesity (AO) was identified. Ninety-eight out of 198 (49.5%) males with AO and 1/18 (5.5%) males without AO had TDS. MetS was diagnosed in 105/198 (53.0%) males with AO. Males older than 40 years of age with AO have a higher incidence of ED, TDS, and MetS. MetS has higher risk of cardiovascular and diabetic complication. In second part of article authors presents long term results of management of men with testosterone deficiency syndrome (TDS). They were treated with testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). TRT restored testosterone level, slow down aging and had beneficial effect on whole body which was proved also on bone mineral density (BMD) of spine. In this article authors present results of preventive check and subsequent long term results with management of these males.
Keywords: Personalized medicine, abdominal obesity, aging male, testosterone, erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiency syndrome, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, preventive personal examination, selective treatment, testosterone replacement therapy, long term follow up.
Lek Obz, 2020, 69 (11): 416-421
Ján FILLO 1, Mária LEVČÍKOVÁ 2, Dalibor ONDRUŠ 3
1 Outpatient Department of Urology, University Hospital Bratislava (Old Town Hospital), Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Department of Urology, St. Michael Hospital Bratislava, Slovakia
3 1st Department of Oncology, Comenius University, Faculty of Medicine & St. Elisabeth Cancer Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia
Ján FILLO, Mária LEVČÍKOVÁ, Dalibor ONDRUŠ: Personalized medicine of aging male. Abdominal obesity, erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiency, osteoporosis, and metabolic syndrome. Can we avoid serious disease and improve health? Lek Obz, 2020, 69 (11): 416-421