Andrej DUKÁT, Juraj PAYER, Peter GAVORNÍK, Fedor ŠIMKO: Biomarkers as a Means of Pre-cation of Chronic Heart Failure
Clinical studies
Mária KOLESÁROVÁ, Denisa DERCOVÁ, Jozef CHOVANEC, Hedviga KOŠUTHOVÁ: Targeted Therapy for locally Advanced and Metastatic Kidney Cancer
Pavol OMANÍK, Natália DAUMOVÁ, Veronika CHRENKOVÁ, Jozef BABALA: Orthotic treatment for pectus carinatum in children and adolescents
Rastislav EDELSTEIN, Marek MATAJS, Phuong Truc PHAM, Vladimír JAVORKA: Halitosis – epidemiology, etiology and clinical mamanegment
Lucia MIKURČÍKOVÁ, Ivana TRELLOVÁ: Types of experimental designs in single-subject research studies
Case report
Dmytro DMYTRIIEV, Oleksandr DOBROVANOV, Karol KRALINSKY, Kostiantyn DMYTRIIEV, Mykola MELNYCHENKO: A case report of successful experience of using adaptive support ventilation in the pediatric patient with viral interstitial pneumonia COVID-19 positive