Peranal haemorrhage from the pseudoaneurysm of inferior gluteal artery: a rare complication after low anterior resection

Introduction. Pseudoaneurysms of the gluteal arteries are very rare and account for less than 1% of all pseudoaneurysms. Superior gluteal artery is affected more often than the inferior gluteal artery. Their most common causes are blunt or penetrating trauma, infections, pelvic fractures, and iatrogenic damage during pelvic or hip surgery. The rare mechanism of their occurrence is radiation therapy of pelvic malignancies.

Case report. The authors present a rare case of profuse recurrent per anal haemorrhage after low anterior resection of the rectum for cancer. Even repeated surgical trans anal revisions failed to reveal the source of the bleeding. An inferior gluteal artery pseudoaneurysm was identified by computed tomography, and successfully treated with liquid embolizing agent.

Conclusion. This case represents a rare postoperative complication after low anterior resection of rectum for cancer. We did not find any comparable clinical cases in the available literature. The pseudoaneurysm probably occurred as a consequence of an infection in this region caused by a partial dehiscence of the colorectal anastomosis. Moreover, previous adjuvant radiotherapy for prostate cancer may have been a possible predisposing factor of arterial wall weakening (Fig. 2, Ref. 11). Text in PDF

KEY WORDS: pseudoaneurysm, inferior gluteal artery, haemorrhage, low anterior resection, selective angiography, embolization.

Lek obz 2022, 71 (10): 420-423


1 Klinika všeobecnej, viscerálnej a transplantačnej chirurgie, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta UK v Martine, prednosta doc. MUDr. J. Miklušica, PhD, CETC
2 Rádiologická klinika JLF UK a UN Martin, prednosta doc. MUDr. K. Zeleňák, PhD, FCIRSE

ŠVEC A., KRKOŠKA A., MIKOLAJČÍK P., MIKLUŠICA J.: Peranal haemorrhage from the pseudoaneurysm of inferior gluteal artery: a rare complication after low anterior resection. Lek obz 2022, 71 (10): 420-423

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