Bilateral papilledema in neuroborreliosis – case report

Objective. Lyme disease is a multisystemic disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi infection. The disease typically occurs in three stages and the clinical presentation varies with plenty of atypical symptoms, that may commonly result in misdiagnosis. Typical sign of disease is erythema migrans on the skin.

Case report. This case report presents a 63-year-old patient with headache and eye pain, who was misdiagnosed with cervicocranial syndrome unresponsive to analgesic therapy. Ophthalmological findings revealed bilateral papilledema, which subsequently led to the diagnosis of neuroborreliosis.
Diagnostic ant therapy. The diagnosis of neuroborreliosis is based on the epidemiologic anamnesis, clinical presentation, imaging techniques, serological and cerebrospinal fluid analyses. Therapeutic standard is intravenous administration of 3rd generation of cephalosporins (Fig. 3, Ref. 18). Text in PDF
Key words: neuroborreliosis, papilledema, headache, lumbar puncture.
Lek obz 2022, 71 (10): 424-428

Nora MAJTÁNOVÁ 1,2, Lucia HERDOVÁ 1, Adriana TAKÁČOVÁ 1, Petr KOLÁŘ 1,2  

1 Očná klinika SZU a UN v Bratislave, prednosta prof MUDr. P. Kolář, PhD.
2 Slovenská zdravotnícka univerzita, Bratislava, rektor Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. P. Šimko, CSc.

MAJTÁNOVÁ N., HERDOVÁ L., TAKÁČOVÁ A., KOLÁŘ P.:  Bilateral papilledema in neuroborreliosis – case report. Lek obz 2022, 71 (10): 424-428

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