Magdaléna ZÁBORSKÁ1, Tomáš BARCZI2, Peter MALOVEC2, Libor BAFRNEC3
1Mikrobiologický ústav Lekárskej fakulty Univerzity Komenského a Univerzitnej nemocnice v Bratislave, prednosta Dr.h.c. prof. MUDr. V. Krčméry, DrSc.
2Anatomický ústav Lekárskej fakulty Univerzity Komenského, prednostka doc. MUDr. E. Kubíková, PhD.
3Chirurgická a cievna ambulancia, Vráble
The skin and tissue infections may be of different origins and seriousness. In many cases, as an acute treatment of the infection, the antimicrobial therapy is used. The frequent mistake is an empirical antimicrobial therapy without antibiotic susceptibility testing to the alleged originator of the infection.
This mainly results in administration of spectrum antibiotics, which may, as a consequence of pro-longed application, lead to disturbing of the natural balance of the patient´s microflora and their body becoming susceptible to the recurrence of infections.
More recently, for the purposes of therapy of chronic and recurrent infections also supporting immunomodulatory therapy is administered, giving to the foundation of the patient´s stability.Bacterial immunomodulators however do not replace the antibiotics, but activate the natural defense mechanisms of the body.As a case study for the purposes of this paper we present the result of autovaccine therapy of a 67-year old patient with chronical, recurrent infection of a heel persistent for years, with transient improvements over shorter periods with temporary results. The patient had been treated mainly empirically since 2012 up to 2017, at which point his condition started significantly worsening. The immunomodular therapy had been administered to the patient since March 2018. This form of the therapy turned out to have very positive results. Within 6 months significant improvement of the condition could be observed and after 1 year the wound had been fully healed.
Key words: skin and tissue infections, antibiotics therapy, emperic therapy, recurrent infection, immunodular therapy.
Lek obz, 2020, 69(2): 140-143