Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) plays a central role in mitochondrial energy production for all cells in the body. As an antioxidant it protects cell membranes from oxidative damage by free radicals. CoQ10 exists within the organism in oxidized form (ubiquinone) and a reduced form (ubiquinol). In patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) circulating concentration of CoQ10 decreases with decreased rate of glomerular filtration. Antioxidant deficiency and oxidative stress can accelerate the progression of renal damage and contribute to the development of clinical complications in CKD.

The aim of this trial was to investigate coenzyme Q10 levels, the effect of ubiquinol on kidney function, on its blood bioavailability and oxidative stress in patients with CKD closely linked with non-communicable diseases, as artherial hypertension and diabetes. At daily doses of 3x100 mg ubiquinol for 12 weeks, its bioavailability in CKD patients increased in platelets 2.1 times (p<0.0001), in blood 7.5 times and in plasma 9.0 times (p<0.0001). Ubiquinol slightly decreased TBARS (oxidative stress parameter) in patients with CKD, artherial hypertension and diabetes, without the effect on kidney function.
Keywords: chronic kidney disease, ubiquinol, coenzyme Q10, antioxidants, oxidative stress.
Lek Obz, 2020, 69 (12): 434-439.

Anna GVOZDJÁKOVÁ 1, Jarmila KUCHARSKÁ 1, Zuzana SUMBALOVÁ 1, Mária KOMLÓSI 2, Zuzana RAUSOVÁ 1,  Anežka CHLÁDEKOVÁ 2, Viliam MOJTO 2

1 Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacobiochemical Laboratory of  3rd Department of Internal Medicine, Bratislava,  head  assoc. prof. V. Mojto, MD, CSc., MHA, MPH
2 Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Medicine, 3rd Department of Internal  Medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia, head  assoc. prof. V. Mojto, MD, CSc., MHA, MPH


GVOZDJÁKOVÁ A., KUCHARSKÁ J., SUMBALOVÁ Z., KOMLÓSI M., RAUSOVÁ Z.,  CHLÁDEKOVÁ A., MOJTO V.: Reduced coenzyme Q10 levels and bioavailability of ubiquinol in  patients with chronic kidney diseases. Lek Obz, 2020, 69 (12): 434-439.

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