OBJECTIVES. Paracetamol is one of the most commonly used drug in the daily clinical practice. After its synthetization in the second half of 19th century and marketed at the beginning of the half 20th century for pain treatment. Although commonly evaluated as safe drug, observational studies, metaanalyses from the randomized clinical trials have shown modest, but still statistically significant side effects on cardiovascular risk.
METHODS. The authors analyzed several clinical cases of paracetamol abuse in young people. They compared the results with data in the world health literature.
RESULTS. Recently, more cases of paracetamol treatment with side effects to paracetamol intoxication with paracetamol in young people have also occurred in clinical practice in Slovakia.
CONCLUSION. The authors point out the side effects of treatment and intoxication in adolescents, especially with an impact on cardiovascular risks. They raise questions about its safety (Ref. 25, Tab. 4). Text in PDF www.lekarskyobzor.sk.
KEY WORDS: paracetamol, acetaminophen, treatment, adverse effects.
Lek Obz 2022, 71 (6 – 7): 248-252
Andrej DUKÁT 1, Milan KRIŠKA 2, Ján KYSELOVIČ 1, František SÁNDOR 3, Marián BERNADIČ 4, Juraj PAYER 1
1 V. interná klinika Lekárskej fakulty UK a UNB, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. J. Payer, PhD., MPH, FRCP
2 Ústav farmakológie a klinickej farmakológie Lekárksje fakulty UK, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Wawruch, PhD.
3 Klinika pneumológie a ftizeológie Lekárskej fakulty UK a UNB, Bratislava, prednostka MUDr. M. Hájková, PhD., MPH
4 Ústav patologickej fyziológie Lekárskej fakulty UK, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. F. Šimko, PhD., FESC
DUKÁT A., KRIŠKA M., KYSELOVIČ J., SÁNDOR F., BERNADIČ M., PAYER J.: Treatment with paracetamol may be associated with both adverse reactions and serious consequences. Lek Obz 2022, 71 (6 – 7): 248-252