Terapeutické autovakcíny aplikované pri chronických a recitujúcich infekciách kože a mäkkých tkanív

Therapeutic autovaccines applied in chronic and recurrent skin and soft tissue infections


OBJECTIVES: Recently, autovaccination therapy has been increasingly used in the treatment of chronic and refractory infections, which creates a precondition for stabilizing the patient‘s health status. Patients suffering from chronic and recurrent skin and soft tissue infection may have a persistent course of the disease with minor transient improvements during several years.

METHODS: Immunomodulatory therapy was suggested due to the patient‘s health conditions with the consent of a clinical immunologist. The preparation of the autovaccine was in accordance with the published standard methodology cited in the text of the article. The data were processed in connection with the patient‘s medical records as well as data from the used scientific literature.

RESULTS: Occasionally the affected person is treated with medication for a long time, and then his situation is suddenly worsened. Therefore, autovaccination treatment could be remarkably effective in such challenging conditions. As it turned out, this method of therapy, had very favorable results. We noticed a considerably enhanced condition after 6 months and after 1 year the wound was completely healed.

CONCLUSION: Individually prepared orally microbial lysates or autovaccines enable the treatment of long-lasting and difficult-to-treat skin and soft tissue infectious diseases, most probably due to the enforcement of immune system mechanisms (Ref. 16). Text in PDF www.lekarskyobzor.sk.

KEY WORDS: chronic and recurrent skin and soft tissue infections, antimicrobial treatment, individually prepared orally microbial lysate - autovaccine, immunomodulatory therapy.

Lek obz 2022, 71 (8): 293-296

Magdaléna ZÁBORSKÁ 1, Ján KOREŇ 1, Peter MALOVEC 2

1 Institute of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, and University Hospital Bratislava, head doc. MUDr. A. Liptáková, PhD., MPH
2 Institute of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, head doc. MUDr. E. Kubíková, PhD.

ZÁBORSKÁ M., KOREŇ J., MALOVEC P.: Terapeutické autovakcíny aplikované pri chronických a recitujúcich infekciách kože a mäkkých tkanív. Lek obz 2022, 71 (8): 293-296

ZÁBORSKÁ M., KOREŇ J., MALOVEC P.: Therapeutic autovaccines applied in chronic and recurrent skin and soft tissue infections. Lek obz 2022, 71 (8): 293-296

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