The difference between the prolongation of life and the vitality of human life is evident. Current scientific knowledge offers both, where we consider the years of an individual's life in illness, pain, fragility, and functional limitation to be an unwanted condition. The prolongation of an individual's life into "healthy" can be concretizing in knowing the current objective reality while respecting and adhering to specific content-defined rules and principles. Numerous theories, hypotheses of aging define two primary directions, i.e., (programming theories and damage theories).
Neither seems to give a satisfactory explanation to explain the aging process (they can interact comprehensively with each other). Our review study points to the integration of biological and psychological indicators in the context of successful aging and the implementation of healthy behaviors into a lifestyle. By focusing on selected indicators of aging, our ambition is to contribute to the expansion of knowledge (holistic understanding) about broader perspectives in the field of health determinants and the prolongation of the length and quality of life of older persons. In this context, we emphasize the interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, holistic approach to the issue and the perspective of other research approaches.
Keywords: senescence, genome, interception, mental state, holistic approach.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (11): 413-417
Ivan UHER 1,Tatiana KIMÁKOVÁ 2, Marián BERNADIČ 3, Milena ŠVEDOVÁ 4, Michal BERNADIČ 5
1 Ústav telesnej výchovy a športu, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, riaditeľka Mgr. A. Buková, PhD.
2 Ústav verejného zdravotníctva a hygieny, Lekárska fakulta, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, prednostka
doc. MUDr. K. Rimárová, CSc., mim. prof.
3 Ústav patologickej fyziológie, Lekárska fakulta UK, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. F. Šimko, PhD., FESC
4 Fakulta Manažmentu, Prešovská univerzita, Katedra turizmu a hotelového manažmentu, vedúca katedry Ing. A. Šenková, PhD.
5 Klinika chirurgickej onkológie LF SZU a NOÚ, Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. D. Pinďák, PhD.
UHER I., KIMÁKOVÁ T., BERNADIČ M., ŠVEDOVÁ M., BERNADIČ M.: Biological and psychological determinants of aging. An integrative type of review. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (11): 413-417