Despite the increasing quality of perinatal care, the incidence of preterm labor is rising and the number of extremely premature infants are increasing. Chorioamnionitis is considered to be the most common cause of preterm birth. In addition to the consequences of preterm birth itself and the resulting prematurity, the fetus is at risk of developing a local or systemic inflammation process due to microorganisms and their products.

The term "Fetal Inflammatory Response Syndrome (FIRS)" describes a condition characterized by systemic inflammation of the fetus accompanied by increased concentrations of pro-inflammatory cytokines, particularly interleukin 6 (IL-6) in the fetal plasma and the presence of typical histopathological changes. FIRS can affect several organs with significant short-term and long-term consequences for the newborn, and thus contributes significantly to perinatal and postnatal morbidity and mortality. Neonates with FIRS have a higher rate of complications such as early neonatal sepsis, intraventricular haemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia, necrotizing enterocolitis or development of respiratory distress. FIRS is also a significant risk factor in the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, cerebral palsy, or neurocognitive and mental disorders. Although the inflammatory process is intense, this condition has a typical subclinical latent manifestation that complicates its early diagnosis. It is often manifested only by the premature rupture of membranes (PROM) or premature birth. In order to determine appropriate treatment, it is crucial to know the consequences of intrauterine infection on the fetus, and thus to improve the newborn`s outcome.
Key words: chorioamnionitis, fetal inflammatory response syndrome, FIRS, funisitis, intramniotic infection, newborn, preterm birth.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (11): 394-399


Neonatologická klinika JLF UK a UN Martin, Jesseniova lekárska fakulta v Martine Univerzity Komenského, Martin, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Zibolen, CSc.

SCHRENK F., DOČEKALOVÁ L., KUDERAVÁ Z., ČASNOCHA LÚČANOVÁ L.: Fetal inflammatory response syndrome (FIRS) and its effect on fetus and newborn. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (11): 394-399

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