Liver resection is considered a standard treatment option in its primary and metastatic affection. It is considered that ceruloplasmin can be used for the restoration of liver functional capacity. Ceruloplasmin is the main copper-containing protein of the blood, that belongs to alpha-2-globulins and performs a set of important biological functions.

The aim of the work is to assess the efficacy of ceruloplasmin in patients undergoing liver resection. Materials and methods: We conducted a randomized prospective study of ceruloplasmin efficacy in patients undergoing liver resection at the anesthesiology and intensive care department in the co-operation with scientific department of abdominal tumors of Nation Cancer Institute during the period of 2018 – 2019 years. Patients were divided into 2 groups: main (Group 1, n1 = 25) and control group (Group 2, n2 = 25). Patients of the main group received ceruloplasmin 100 mg i/v q.d for 5 days in the postoperative period.
Aim of the study: We studied clinical data and biochemical parameters: coagulogram. Albumin, bilirubin, ALT and AST, ceruloplasmin and copper plasma levels. For quantitative assessment of ceruloplasmin plasma levels we used turbo-dimetric method in automatic analyzer Beckman Coulter of AU series (USA) with reagents of the same manufacturer. Copper levels were assessed on automatic biochemical analyzer ChemWell 2310 (USA) with the use of “SPINREACT” reagents (Spain). Data were analyzed using “STATISTICA 8.0” soft (StatSoft. Ink., 2008).
Results: Patients of group 1 slightly increased to 19.55 mcmol/l of copper plasma level at the 5th day of postoperative period (p = 0.1960), patients of group 2 had these values close to preoperative values, p = 0.6416. There were no statistically significant differences by the end of the 7th day in both groups, p = 0.5056. Ceruloplasmin plasma levels in group 1 patients slightly decreased to 264.16 ± 21.1 mcmol/l to the 3rd day of the operation with the following slight increase to 288.1 ± 10.4 mcmol/l to the 5th day, p = 0.8083. Ceruloplasmin levels slightly decreased in the Group patients to the 3rd day to the level of 245.27 ± 25.4 mcmol/l, but they returned to preoperative levels on the 5th day, p = 0.0052. The difference between group 1 and group 2 was statistically significant.
Conclusions: We found, that administration of ceruloplasmin in patients undergoing liver resection promoted earlier hemoglobin levels recover within the 5 days after the operation, preserve the balance between the copper and ceruloplasmin in plasma, promoting the liver function recovery in that way. These normalize AST and ALT, fibrinogen and albumin levels in early postoperative period after liver resections. Taking into account the antioxidant properties of ceruloplasmin, its administration in liver resections can decrease the negative effect of norm-ischemia.
Key words: liver resection, ceruloplasmin, copper, albumin, fibrinogen.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (9): 297-303

Assessment and correction of liver function in liver resection

Ivan Lisnyy, Kristina Zakalska,Viktor Melnyk, Anton Burlaka, Elena Kolesnik, Snezhana Lysykh

National Cancer Institute, Department of Anesthesiology and ICU, Department of Abdominal Tumors, head prof. MD. I. LISNYY, PhD., Kiev, Ukraine


Lisnyy I., Zakalska K., Melnyk V., Burlaka A., Kolesnik E., Lysykh S.: Posúdenie a korekcia funkcie pečene pri jej resekcii. Lek Obz, 70, 2021, č. 9, s. 297-303


Lisnyy I., Zakalska K., Melnyk V., Burlaka A., Kolesnik E., Lysykh S.: Assessment and correction of liver function in liver resection. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (9): 297-303

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