Intestinal failure belongs to a group of rare diseases. It is important to distinguish the intestinal failure where the patient requires parenteral substitution of nutrients and fluids from intestinal insufficiency in order to maintain homeostasis of the internal environment, in which the patient‘s nutritional needs can be met by the administration of defined enteral preparations. Until September 2020, patients with intestinal failure in the Slovak Republic were dependent on home parenteral nutrition and intestinal rehabilitation methods only rarely by intestinal transplantation. In the case report we present results of the first patient in Slovakia treated with an innovative Teduglutide, glucagon like peptide analogue 2. If the treatment is indicated correctly, it leads either to a significant reduction in the volume of parenteral nutrition, a reduction in complications or to the complete independence of the patient from parenteral support. In the presented patient there was a reduction of home parenteral nutrition by 39% within 4 months, which significantly contributed to the improvement of the patient‘s quality of life.

Key words: GLP-2 analogue, intestinal failure, home parenteral nutrition.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (9): 331-336

Juraj KRIVUŠ 1, Simona HORNÁ 1, Lenka NOSÁKOVÁ 2, Hubert POLÁČEK 3, Júlia SLEZÁKOVÁ 4, Ján ZACHAR 4, Ivana DEDINSKÁ 5, Rudolf HYRDEL 2, Marián MOKÁŇ 1

1 I. interná klinika, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin a Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Martin, Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Mokáň, DrSc., FRCP Edin
2 Interná klinika gastroenterologická, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin a Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Martin, Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. R. Hyrdel, CSc.
3 Klinika nukleárnej medicíny, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin a Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Martin, Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, prednosta MUDr. H. Poláček, PhD.
4 Všeobecná nemocnica Rimavská Sobota, Svet zdravia, a.s.
5 Transplantačné centrum, Univerzitná nemocnica Martin a Jesseniova lekárska fakulta Martin, Univerzita Komenského Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. Ľ. Laca, PhD.


KRIVUŠ J., HORNÁ S., NOSÁKOVÁ L., POLÁČEK H., SLEZÁKOVÁ J., ZACHAR J., DEDINSKÁ I., HYRDEL R., MOKÁŇ M.: Teduglutide – modern treatment of intestinal failure. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (9): 331-336

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