Peculiarities of local use of hydrophilic/hydrophobic composition based on nanosilica in patients with burns: cytological and morphological examination
A promising area is the possibility to use new sorbents in the complex treatment of burn patients that can affect various stages of wound process.
The aim: to substantiate the feasibility and evaluate the effectiveness of local application of composition Pathelen® in a comprehensive program of preparation of postoperative burn wounds for skin grafting.
Materials and methods: 42 patients with IIb-III degree burns with the area of 10 - 20 % damage of the body were under observation. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Local treatment of the patients in the main group (n = 20) at the stage of preparation of wounds for skin grafting was performed with solution decamethoxine (Decasan) and Pathelen. Treatment of the patients in the control group (n = 22) during the same period was limited to the use of Decasan®. Analysis of the wound process was performed as a result of cytological and histological studies.
Results: The use of sorption composition allowed to create conditions for faster wound cleaning with the approximation of the nature of cytograms to the regenerative type. Histological examination of tissues confirmed positive effect of the suggested drug on the formation of granulation tissue at the stage of preparation of wounds for autoskingrafting.
Conclusions: The results of studying cytological and morphological changes in the wounds of patients with burns at the stage of their preparation for autoskingrafting confirmed the effectiveness of application of composition Pathelen® in combination with solution of Decasan®.
Key words: antiseptics, burns, infection, sorbents, wounds.
Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (10): 343-349
Oleksii CHEPLIAKA 1, Oleksandr DOBROVANOV 4,5
1 Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, Ukrajina, head academician prof. V. M. Moroz, PhD., Sc.D.
2 Chuiko Institute of Surface Chemistry, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, head academician of NAS of Ukrine, prof. M. Kartel
3 Municipal non-profit enterprise "Vinnytsya Regional Clinical Hospital n.a. M.I. Pirogov of the Vinnytsya Regional Council",
Clinical Center of Thermal Injury and Plastic Surgery, Vinnytsya, Ukraine, head V. Nagaichuk, MD., PhD.
4 A. Getlik Clinic for Children and Adolescents, Slovak Medical University and University Hospital of Medicine, Bratislava, head doc. MUDr. K. Furkova, CSc.
5 Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, head prof. MUDr. P. Šimko, CSc.
NAGAICHUK V., GERASHCHENKO I., CHORNOPYSHCHUK R., NAZARCHUK O., CHEPLIAKA O., DOBROVANOV O.: Vlastnosti lokálneho použitia hydrofilného / hydrofóbneho zloženia na báze nanokremičitanu u pacientov s popáleninami: cytologicko-morfologická štúdia. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 č. 10, 343-349
NAGAICHUK V., GERASHCHENKO I., CHORNOPYSHCHUK R., NAZARCHUK O., CHEPLIAKA O., DOBROVANOV O.: Peculiarities of local use of hydrophilic/hydrophobic composition based on nanosilica in patients with burns: cytological and morphological examination. Lek Obz, 2021, 70 (10): 343-349